Masonic Blog

Oleeta-West Dade Adopts NW 36 Street

Oleeta-West Dade Lodge No. 145 has officially adopted NW 36th Street in Miami Springs and Virginia Gardens. 

Brothers conducted several cleanups during 2024.

The cleanup effort is part of the Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) “Adopt-A-Highway” Program, a statewide initiative that empowers local groups and organizations to take an active role in maintaining and beautifying their communities.

Under the Adopt-A-Highway Program, volunteers agree to “adopt” a two-mile section of a state highway, dedicating two years to the program and following specified DOT safety regulations. They commit to removing litter a minimum of four times each year, contributing to a cleaner and safer environment for all residents and visitors.

In return, FDOT provides essential support, including assisting with safety meetings, supplying safety vests and litter bags, picking up litter at specified locations, and posting Adopt-A-Highway signs commending the group at the beginning and end of their section.

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